When requested, the student will be greeted at the airport by the nominated person under the meet and greet programme.
Pre Arrival Services

Airport Pickup

Insurance for Non EU Students
In the case of students who require a visa it is necessary to obtain medical insurance which is sufficient to cover any medical emergency such as: hospital care or a doctors visit while in Malta. The school can organise medical insurance cover that meets immigration authorities requirements.

Health Cover for EU/EEA Students
Students travelling to the school from European Unioncountries may avail of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC, formerly E111) from theHealth or Social Services departments of your home country.
Post Arrival Services

Meet and greet programme
After pick up from the airport, the student will be transferred toeither the accommodation arranged by the college or the student’s preferred place of stay. A small meeting at the airport and arrangement for transport, living accommodation and initialcounselling plays a vital role in making the students transition a more comfortable experience.

Counselling support
The college has qualified staff to counsel students who require additionalsupport on a range of issues from academic to personal. All information is treated as confidentialand special attention is given to specific challenges international students encounter whenadjusting to a new cultural environment.

Employment Assistance
The student welfare officer is keen to help students to gain experiencewhile studying at European College of Business and Hospitality.

Orientation Programme
We will provide an age and culturally sensitive orientation programmein which students will be provided with relevant information by our staff during face to facesessions, to make their stay enjoyable.